/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa -
September 1st, 2013
12:50 am


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šodien atkal ļoti uz lokālās satiksmes dalībniekiem dusmojos. nu jau katrs garāks pārbrauciens man pārvēršas roudreidžā. betnudie, tik apdraudēts es neesmu juties, ne āfrikā, ne indijā vai pat irānā.
tikmēr citi dalībnieki:
In February 2009, Gardaí in Ireland were investigating a recidivist who received numerous traffic tickets at different addresses when they determined that Gardaí had mistaken the words "Prawo Jazdy", Polish for "driving licence", for the name of the motorist. In October 2009, the Garda Síochána were awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in literature for this series of mixups.

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