mans sviests
mans sviests
mans sviests - 27. Septembris 2004
27. Septembris 2004
- 27.9.04 13:06
- Psychedelic drugs are inching their way slowly but surely toward prescription status in the United States, thanks to a group of persistent scientists who believe drugs like ecstasy and psilocybin can help people with terminal cancer, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, to name a just a few.
Tālāk te:,1286,65025,00.html
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- 27.9.04 15:24
- Tu nopērc veselu kaudzi grāmatu un iztērē visu naudu, kas tev ir un vēl mazliet arī no tās, kuras nemaz nav. Tagad varētu tik lasīt, bet kas tev deva - jāmēģina atkal nopelnīt drusku naudas.
11 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
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