NĀVE IR TIKAI SĀKUMS!!! -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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I am [14 Mar 2011|02:21am]
I am the higher understanding, i divide myself into many to see myself, i create the system to make fences for overcoming chaoss but all with meaning. Whwn fences will become not strong enaugh, i will start to understand myself properly and start to become the one again. This is the point of overload, soon i will rest again, thanks for journey to myself but now system must be removed.
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[14 Mar 2011|02:28am]
interesanti ir skatiities, kaa masas tiek kontroleetas ar primitiivaam progremmaam, bet tas vairs nesagaadaa pacilaajumu, tas kljuust ierasts un ja taadaa pakaapee jau veidojas pieradums, tad nav vairs taalu. Tik vienaa laucinjaa veel izjuutu emocijas, jaaizprot bailes no sevis un tad naaks miers ieksh manis un haoss apkaart, nevis otraadi... ;)
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[ viewing | March 14th, 2011 ]
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