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morality-based political test Nov. 6th, 2007|03:50 pm


Tā kā es nekad neesmu īsti sapratis, vai esmu liberāli, konservatīvi, sociāldemokrātiski vai kā citādi orientēts, mēģināju to noskaidrot ar testu

Your Score

Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and 0.5 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

  1. System: Socialism
  2. Variation: Moderate Socialism
  3. Ideologies: Social Democratism
  4. US Parties: Democratic Party
  5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (90.89%)
  6. 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (88.10%), Ralph Nader (82.18%), George W. Bush (60.66%)


Of the 383220 people who took the test:

  1. 1.5% had the same score as you.
  2. 38.1% were above you on the chart.
  3. 50.7% were below you on the chart.
  4. 48.8% were to your right on the chart.
  5. 30.5% were to your left on the chart.

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