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Thursday, December 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    Let’s reflect on this year:

    What did I learn?
    I learned how to manage government paperwork and how to calculate different things connected with income and child care expenses. And how to do it the more safe and stable way than before. For this thx to my new nanny.
    What did I accomplish? A list of my wins and achievements.
    Stopped wasting my life and got a grip of it.
    Worked more for school things with my kids and teachers are now very happy with them.
    I learned how to skate a bit.
    I learned how to fix little things around house, including electronics.
    I learned how to do office work well without getting stressed out of my head.

    What would I have done differently? Why?
    I wouldn’t slept with that French guy on Valentine’s Day in Paris.
    I shouldn’t have moved to live together with my fiancé as this was in general big mistake.
    I shouldn’t have proved that I can get a man in 5 min to person that I cared about and that hurt me.
    What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?
    There are countless things that have been done this year work wise and for this I’m happy but will not count all. The thing I wanted to finish is website – but I will do it next year – for sure.

    What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.
    1. My daughters skating performance
    2. Ring in the face 
    3. Paris office party
    What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about?
    To get a grip of myself and cutting off people that make me a bad person and spending time with people that make me a better person and give positive feelings.
    What was my greatest contribution?
    Supporting a child in Africa?
    What were the fun things I did? What were the not-so-fun?
    The fun thing was definitely smoking together with two other girls that I love and laughing till stomach is in crams and the laughing a bit more.
    The funny Russian girl in bus speaking English
    The way how I made a machination of getting to Mare Sea – well done babes
    Going to gas station with friend and asking for alcohol in silly Russian accent
    Spending weekend in Paris with Samir
    Playing would you rather?????
    Party with Austra in Bethnal green and that hula-hoop guy :D
    Party with Janis in Bugalo
    And off course all those silly games with someone special in parks on weekends.

    The not so fun things:
    Going to doctors – hate them all
    Sleeping together but not being hugged
    Struggling in office with stupid people
    The month while I was split with Karlis but still living together - nightmare
    What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
    The biggest challenge was to understand that I’m a big girl now and that I have to fight for things I want.
    And of course the amazing planed with machinations chase and the result – the Pandora’s box 
    How am I different this year than last?
    I’m more grown up
    I have learned that I’m the only one responsible for my actions and I can’t throw them at other people.
    I am more in calm and know exactly what I want and that I will get it.
    For what am I particularly grateful?
    For all these moments where my friends stood by me at times when I was the most down.
    What do I want to do?
    I want to build something great – big secret for now.
    I want to spend more time with my kids.
    I want to move to my own place.
    I want to earn more money :D

    What do I want to have?
    And finally peace of mind 

    Where do I want to go?
    I really want to go on mice holiday – somewhere warm with my good people

    What contribution do I want to make?
    At the moment I don’t know but I think this will hit me on the head at the right moment

    What do I want to learn?
    I want to learn new language

    Who do I want to meet and spend my time with?
    I want to be with my family and with my great friends and that very special one 

    How much do I want to earn, save and invest?
    Milions :D

    What will I do for fun and optimum health?
    I want to start some dancing classes again.
    What is one representative thing you did this year?
    I got what I wanted: D – was it good or bad for me 
    What date from 2009 will you remember, and why?
    9th of July – summer party.
    I don’t know the date but it was somewhere in august – where he for the first time was holding me in sleep and I was too happy and scared even to breath.
    All those dates when Austra was coming to London

    What did you learn from your biggest accomplishment in 2009?
    I can do whatever I want if I put my brain to it 
    What did you learn from your biggest failure?
    Try till you succeed.
    Compared to this time last year, are you:
    i. happier or sadder? Happier
    ii. thinner or fatter? The same
    iii. richer or poorer? richer
    What do you wish you’d done more of?
    When that thingy that involves two people and no clothes :D
    What do you wish you’d done less of?
    What did you want and get?
    The guy
    What did you want and not get?
    The same guy?
    What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
    Lots of things but nothing in particlular
    Did you make new friends?
    Oh my god yes :D
    Austra – my happy bunny
    Marina –housemate that became my friend instead of getting on my nerves – yeay to her :D
    Samir – Best time in Paris and great and caring person.
    And I got some friendships that I lost back as well.

    Did you break old relationships?
    Few – I think this year’s count is 3
    What was the book that impacted you most? What did you learn out of it?
    Master and margarita – just because it great.
    Ramayana – I founded new stuff about different culture.
    What blog/website impacted you most? Give a link!
    What investment are you most happy with?
    Time I invested for people that deserved it.
    What’s one thing on your purchasing wishlist for 2010?
    I want some new clothes.
    What is one thing you wish you had more of, at end 2010?
    More love
    What is one change you want to make next year?
    I want to be more stabile and behave 

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