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[06 May 2003|09:05pm]
[ mood | nekaadc ]
[ music | Radiohead - Karma Police ]

mnjah.. murgs..
texc ko gribeeju ielikt jau aizbraucot..

close your eyes and i'll kiss you, tomorrow i'll miss you,
remember i'll always be true. and then while i'm away,
i'll send all my loving to you.

i'll pretend that i'm kissing the lips i am missing,
and hope that my dreams will come true. and then while i'm away,
i'll send all my loving to you.

all my loving i will send to you. all my loving, darling i'll be true.
close your eyes and i'll kiss you, tomorrow i'll miss you,
remember i'll be true.

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[06 May 2003|09:36pm]
[ mood | sapnjains ]
[ music | agnese & mielavs - taa ]

esi man taa, lai es juutu cik ljoti to vajag teu
taa lai es tieku, kur labi paliek jo ilgaak, jo labaak
taa lai lidot ir vieglaak kaa elpot un dziivot

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[06 May 2003|10:24pm]
hell raiser
completely fucked!

what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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[ viewing | May 6th, 2003 ]
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