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[14 Apr 2003|08:46pm]
[ music | Dido - I'm no Angel ]

kiss me beneath the milky twilight
lead me out on the moonlit floor
lift your open hand
strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
silver moon's sparkling
you wear those shoes and I`ll wear that dress

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[14 Apr 2003|09:49pm]
[ music | Nirvana - My Girl ]

vinjsh pieklauveeja pie tukshaam durviim, izshkjaidiitiem stikliem un salauztaam ceriibaam. jau klauveejot vinjsh zinaaja atbildi bet tomeer. uzstaajiigi pulseeja vinja sagraiziitaa sirds un gar retajaam skopstaam viena peec otras kaa lietuslaases riteeja baali sarkaniigaa shkjidruma asaras. neizliecies ka teui tas intresee, neizliecies..

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[ viewing | April 14th, 2003 ]
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