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[12 Feb 2003|05:01pm]
[ music | goo goo dolls - iris ]

tik ljoti ka gribaas triekties ar gauvu sienaa
tik ljoti gribas aizbeegt no shejienes
izshkjaidiit tagadnes kljuudas pret grumbuljainu virsmu
izlikties neredzam taas aizjonjojam man garaam
un cieshi piespiesties teu klaat lai tu pasargaatu mani

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[12 Feb 2003|06:34pm]
[ music | u2 - sweetest thing ]

i want to get lost
from my life sometimes

sit on the side
and watch the world go by

i want to get lost in the dark
and dream for awhile

just sit inside a dark room
and dream for awhile

the only thing that makes sense to me
is you

i am happy just to be with you

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[ viewing | February 12th, 2003 ]
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