zive_ - July 5th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 5th, 2006

[Jul. 5th, 2006|10:52 am]
A microwave oven works by passing microwave radiation, usually at a frequency of 2450 MHz (a wavelength of 12.24 cm), through the food. Water, fat, and sugar molecules in the food absorb energy from the microwave beam in a process called dielectric heating. Most molecules are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other, and therefore vibrate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field induced by the microwave beam. This molecular movement creates heat. Microwave heating is most efficient on liquid water, and much less so on fats, sugars, and frozen water.

cool nebiju iedomaajies tieshi kaapeec kaut kas uzsilst!
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[Jul. 5th, 2006|02:44 pm]
γ = Gamma rays
HX = Hard X-rays
SX = Soft X-Rays
EUV = Extreme ultraviolet
NUV = Near ultraviolet
Visible light
NIR = Near infrared
MIR = Moderate infrared
FIR = Far infrared

Radio waves:
EHF = Extremely high frequency (Microwaves)
SHF = Super high frequency (Microwaves)
UHF = Ultrahigh frequency
VHF = Very high frequency
HF = High frequency
MF = Medium frequency
LF = Low frequency
VLF = Very low frequency
VF = Voice frequency
ELF = Extremely low frequency

Ak jaa, ja nu kaads nezina, tad katrai redzemaas gaisamas kraasai ir sava frekvence, to labi var noveerot varaviiksnes gadiijumaa, kad gaisma tiek lauzta(ejot cauri lietuspileem shinii gadiijumaa) sakaraa ar to ka katrai kraasai ir savaadaaka frekvence, katra kraasa tiek lauzta par nedaudz citu lenjkji, nu gaisma sadalaas, shajaa situaacijaa mees redzam katru kraasu atsevishkji un nu cipa varaviiksni. woot
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