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Test Sep. 1st, 2009|12:00 am

Just for teh lulz
Low Accommodation - you don't enjoy helping others. It should be noted that less selfless people rate themselves as less happy.
Materialism - you value lots of cash. If you truly value money, you might as well make sure your energies go into activities which are more likely to yield it.
Low Romantic - not very romantic, eh? :( for you! Researchers have found that romantic love can act like a powerful narcotic on the brain. That can't be all bad.
Avoidant - you prefer distance from others. In moderation and on occasion isolation can be healthy. As a life's purpose, it's probably not (at least for most people).
Dependency - you want to be taken care off by others. This trait correlates more than any other on this test with Learned Helplessness so look that up.
Change averse - you like to maintain the status quo. You probably would not enjoy a job with entailed a lot of unpredictability.
Low Sexuality - not everyone likes sex but you might want to check with a doctor to make sure it's not medical (or you're very young and that's very normal).
Peter pan complex - you want to avoid a conventional adult life. The author of this test suffers from this too. It's proved mostly harmless thus far.
Low Religious - you are not religious. Consider moving to Europe if you don't already live there.
Low Fiscal acumen - you can't take it with you and there is no debtor's prison anymore but running a balance on a credit card (if you do) is not very wise.
Low Family drive - you are against or not particularly driven to have a family. No big deal, the third world will have enough kids for everyone.

Low Extraversion - you are not very social. This can be harmless preference but for some it correlates to unhappiness. Go out. Do stuff. Make friends.
Stability - you are tough and resilient. You have an advantage over others in challenging and high stress careers / activities.
Low Orderliness - you prefer disorganization. Don't work at the post office.
Intellectual - you want to advance your knowledge. Find job(s) and/or hobby(s) which can satiate your curiousity drive.
Mystical - you like to explore the unknown and mysterious. You might enjoy being a Shaman or studying ESP.
Low Conflict seeking - you shy away from conflict. Make sure you choose some battles to fight.
Low Wealth - You're not rich. You're probably not even a fiscal conservative
Histrionic - you like lots of attention from others. Don't be best friends with, date, or marry someone who is too introverted. Acting, Sports, PR might appeal to you.
Artistic - you prefer to lead an artistic life. You're more likely be poor if you pursue the arts but that's less important than happiness.
Hedonism - you enjoy the pleasure of libations. Moderation will ensure a longer life.
Low Physically active - you don't seem to be particularly active. While you are on the couch you may want to read up on depression and type 2 diabetes which are the alternative.
Low Humanitarian - you possibly don't care much about global warming, genocide in Rwanda, or the United Nations. Maybe you should consider caring more about the world you live in.
Low Accountability - It's my fault. Go in front of a mirror and start practicing that for the next time you mess up. People will like you better.
Paranoia - you desire trust, secure relationships. Paranoia can be valid (like maybe once every few years) but more often than not it's unfounded, irrational, and harmful to relationships.
Low Extravagance - you are not into the bling-bling. Vapid attractive people might not want to sleep with you.
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