Jan. 25th, 2008|09:08 pm |
Man te palika garlaicīgi ;)
listen up soldiers: did you know?
DID YOU KNOW? General Danny Kass has a third nipple, and, a tail that was amputated after a particularly rough slam during the 1995 season.
DID YOU KNOW? It's never too late to throw your life away in some small mountain town, living a life of lift ticket scalping.
DID YOU KNOW? Corporal Sketchy D lived under Danny's living room stairs for his first three winters out west.
DID YOU KNOW? General Matt Kass invented the halfpipe trick known as the "Kasserole," which, the whole sport has more or less forgotten about.
DID YOU KNOW? Sergeant Shane Flood sleeps in a coffin! Nude!
DID YOU KNOW? Grenade Art Guy Tim Karpinski cleans his paint brushes with his own urine.
DID YOU KNOW? Official glove photographer Tim Zimmerman will glady explain "luminous channels" to whoever will listen.
DID YOU KNOW? The Dingo was raised by aboriginal shamans, who upon lerning of his emigration to the states, cast a lifetime spell of halitosis.
DID YOU KNOW? 4 out 5 Grenade soldiers suffer from excessive "Gnarliness." Rad but true.
DID YOU KNOW? The Grenade Mammoth offices "Stickergate Scandal" of 2006 implicated 13 employees, which were promptly discharged from the Grenade army and live under a cloud of shame, for life.