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Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

    Time Event

    War is overdue
    The time has come for you
    To shoot your leaders down
    Join forces underground

    Lose control
    Increasing pace
    Warped and bewitched
    Intention erased

    Whatever they say
    These people are torn
    Wild and bereft
    Assassin is born

    Oppose and disagree
    Destroy demonocracy

    Lose control
    Increasing pace
    Warped and bewitched
    Intention erased

    Whatever they say
    These people are torn
    Wild and bereft
    Assassin is born
    hidden lyrics :) kaut arī viņi paši jau paskaidroja, ka tur ir "Aim, shoot, killyour leaders"
    Knights Of Cydonia.

    Come ride with me through the veins of history
    I'll show you a God who falls asleep on the job
    How can we win when fools can be kings?
    Don't waste your time or time will waste you

    No-one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right
    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive

    No-one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right
    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive

    No-one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right
    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive (video) (live)

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