withlove_1's Journal
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Sunday, January 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    .. Omg, I have a really bad craving for ice cream right now. It's been a while since I had it!Some of you guys are going to search for the people who went missing again, right? Good luck!Hey! Um, how are you, Nobu?I.. have a small favor to ask. I'm getting off work at 2:30, but I have a doctor's appointment right after. My feet and back are aching so much! >< So I was wondering if .. you could come with me? I'd really like the company.There's a little over a month left.. The doctor will tell me to stop working if he sees I'm stressed again.. I've been working so much, but I don't think it's enough. At least it's easy work, and they've been so understanding about everything. ._. Nobu even made a beautiful crib, he's helped so much. Still.. I wish you were here, Nana.

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