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Monday, May 7th, 2007

    Time Event
    vides aizsardzība
    aicinu visus but saudzigiem pret dabu, nemest atkritumus zemē, nededzināt kūlu utt. mums ir jādzīvo saskaņā ar dabu, nevis jādomā ka esam pārāki un ka mums pieder viss! dažiem jau liekas ka viņiem notiek svarīgas lietas tajā brīdī, nav laika domāt par tādiem "sīkumiem". bet padomājiet, jūs taču nekur nevarat aizbēgt, daba ir spēcīgāka par mums visiem, tādēļ cienīsim to un būsim pazemīgi.

    UPD: arī mani reiz aicināja, es neklausījos.. jo katram pašam ar savām kājām šis ceļš ir jāiziet no sākuma līdz beigām, lai apjaustu tā svarīgumu..
    Blank & Jones - Unknown Treasure
    Long were the days I've spent within these walls
    and long were nights of aloneness.
    How often have you sailed in my dreams
    and now in my awakening?
    Here I am - ready to go
    into the seasonless world where we shall reap and love

    In the stillness of the night I have walked in your streets
    and my spirit has entered your heart.
    And in your sleep your dreams were MY dreams
    and your breath was upon my face.

    Ohhh to know the pain of too much tenderness.

    You are not trapped or tamed.
    without a care and without grief. You shall be free..

    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    all you've gotta do is...
    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    You know there's nothing to it

    Let this be the start of something - the start of something true
    Dont wanna keep this heart imprisoned
    let me fly away with you...
    You dont always need a reason for all the things you do
    when you've got something to believe in you know there's no turning back

    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    all you've gotta do is...
    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    You know there's nothing to it
    ...theres nothing to it....

    Let there be no scales
    to weigh your unknown treasure
    It is when you give of yourself
    that you truly give.

    oh to know the pain of too much tenderness
    You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams

    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    all you've gotta do is
    Give up the fight and learn to surrender
    all you've gotta do is


    Current Music: Blank & Jones - Unknown Treasure
    tas, kas velk laukā no mājas.
    tas, kas liek iet kur acis rāda.
    tas, kas velk pie dabas, pie jūras, pie okeāna.
    tas, kas liek tur justies tik labi kā mājās, labāk kā mājās.
    būt tur kur tu vēl nav būts un sajust prieku par to.

    kas tas ir?

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