waterlily - January 30th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 30th, 2018

[Jan. 30th, 2018|12:46 am]
ak mans dievs cik esmu palikusi resna un paraizejusies sevi mazvertibas komplexi really hits me es vairs ar nevienu nekad nerunasu jo es vairs neesmu es es vnk esmu nelaimes cupina apzelojite mani
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[Jan. 30th, 2018|03:27 pm]
reizem vnk gribas pazust no sis zemes virsas visi ir aplietojusies vai iekritusi kkados eating disorders vai shis ir tiesam tas field ar ko man butu jalepojas
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[Jan. 30th, 2018|04:18 pm]
your hand is pale and soft as snow its inviting me into its own world of ice
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