

16th October 2003

5:03pm: Pie manis atbrauca brālēns ar savu klasesbiedru. Mani nebrīdināja. Jūtos tagad tā kā mani kāds būtu apspiedis, ierobežojis. Visā jomā. ne mierīgi pasēdēt, ne mierīgi padomāt, nekā. Tas ir ļoti nepatīkami. Vismaz brīdinātu mani mamma, ka ir gaidāmi ciemiņi. A tā. Tagad jūtos nepatīkami...
Current Mood: sašutis
Current Music: Shocking Blue - Venus
5:10pm: California Here I Come Lyrics

Got a long long way to go
Over her dusty roads
Take my old brown suitcase
And leave at the break of day
I'm not afraid of the distance
Some time on my side
Hear me singing my song
California here I come
When the sun's going down silence is the only sound
Oh restless are the nights when nobody's around
I'm not afraid of the distance
Some time on my side
Hear me singing my song
California here I come
Day after day I'm going over her dusty roads
How long will this go on
Until I'm there where I belong
But now troubles are over
I wipe off the dust on my boots
Hear me singing my song
California now to come
California now to come

©Shocking Blue
Current Music: Shocking Blue - California Here I Come
11:58pm: Šodien sportā noskrietie 2km liek par sevi manīt. Pa dienu nelika. tagad kājas bišku sāp. Tā ir, kad neskrien regulāri. Vajag stimulu, lai atsāktu šo nodarbi.
11:59pm: Kā jūs domājat, vai šitais būs interesants pasākums ?
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