04 Novembris 2010 @ 09:25
[Bridget] Mark Darcy definitely...doesn't love me anymore.
[all] Ohhh.
[Bridget] You see the trouble is it was me who chucked him.
[Phrao] He treat you bad?
[Bridget] Yeah, actually, he did.
[Phrao] My boyfriend treat me bad too.
[Girl1] Me too.
[Girl2] Mine as well.
[Girl3] Me too.
[Bridget] Then you know all about it. You think you've found the right man, but then there's so much wrong with him and he finds there's so much wrong with you and it all just falls apart.
[Phrao] Don't tell me. My boyfriend, he seem really nice. Then he start to hit me. Make me work on street.
[Girl2] My boyfriend, he say he love me. But he do no work, and make me work hour a day. Then he make me take heroin drug.
[Phrao] What about you, Bijjit? What your bad boyfriend do?
[Bridget] Well, er,... he really didn't stick up for me at this lawyers' supper,...and, um, then he would fold his... [chuckles]
Oh, same sort of thing, really. Hitting me and making me take drugs. Stealing all my money and stuff.
[Bridget] Oh, God. l've been the world's biggest fool.