velna_kurkulis' Journal - Day

Sunday, March 12, 2006


un tad atkal saucu es
shodien sakaartoju info par beluru, prieks par sevi bet veel daudz vajag varbuut nenojaushu cik daudz
skaloju smadzenes draugiem bet pashai vajaddzeetu paskalot
heh atkal dabuuju bietee par to ka prasu to ko neesmu pelniijusi tachu gribaas
gribas kliegt hate you bet taa nav
labi chau
nav gariiga

Current mood: confused
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nu kot u gribi ko tu njemies girl open your eyes

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  1. esmu forha
  2. esmu taure
  3. esmu

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i feel good
tumsa visrinjkii
vieniigi tumsa
bet ir silti
labi ieshu ieshu un celshos
un atkal ieshu

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i found es atradu
ja nashla no kavo neznaju
but i trust in you cause i like you

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un Tu domaa es domaaju, nee es esmu tikai cilveex..:)

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