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Thursday, January 19th, 2006

    Time Event
    piespiedusies pie maliņas tālāk no lielā baisā "Normal" :))

    Your Social Dysfunction:

    You display social deficits and oddities of thinking. Your perception and communication are similar to those of a schizophrenic.

    Take this quiz at

    Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.

    nevarēju atturēties no šāda rezultāta izveidošanas ]:D
    You are 80% evil

    You are super evil. You are constantly figuring out how to get revenge on people. You are not afraid to do illegal things because you feel that you are above the law.

    Take this quiz at
    lai nu būtu...
    You most resemble Winona Ryder

    You are good looking and clever. You are also an active thrill seeker. You have a fairly acceptable personality, except for that pesky theft problem.

    Take this quiz at
    You are 66% Psychic

    You are psychic. You are above average when it comes to perceiving the future. You are very observant and clever, with a good amount of common sense. It is very easy for you to predict things and be correct.

    Take this quiz at
    Daah! (bildīte smuka)
    You were a loner in high school

    You didn’t really fit into any traditional group. You did your own thing and you were very interesting (and intimidating) to those around you.

    Take this quiz at

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