sajūtu cilvēks [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
sajūtu cilvēks

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[May. 5th, 2014|06:24 pm]
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Vienkārša, bet viegla un saulaina tunika )
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[May. 1st, 2014|05:32 pm]
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puķainā, maigā, mirdzošā )
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[Apr. 27th, 2014|09:07 pm]
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pavisam vienkārša )
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kamēr jūs talkojāt.. [Apr. 27th, 2014|09:00 pm]
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otrais manā mūžā, bet ne mans )
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[Apr. 5th, 2014|06:04 pm]
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Lakattunika )
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lakatu topi [Apr. 4th, 2014|01:33 pm]
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[Apr. 3rd, 2014|09:28 am]
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"Arī viesi, ierodoties uz Rīgas modes nedēļas skatēm, ir īpaši uzposušies, pavadījuši ilgas stundas pie friziera, grima meistara. Aplūkojam vakardienas stilīgāko tērpu TOP 10:"

Un tātad pirmajā vietā stilīguma ziņā TVnet ierindojis:
(...) )
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krāsas-smalkās nianses [Mar. 27th, 2014|09:50 am]
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Off white
Variations of white include what are commonly termed off-white colors, which may be considered part of a neutral color scheme.

Ecru describes the shade greyish-pale yellow or a light greyish-yellowish brown.

Sand is a color that resembles the color of beach sand.

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[Mar. 26th, 2014|03:38 pm]
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Šādus Olis dārziņā taisalukturīši )
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[Mar. 26th, 2014|02:15 pm]
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Šallītes )
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[Mar. 24th, 2014|04:12 pm]
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Magones linos )
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lieldienu noskaņas [Mar. 13th, 2014|11:07 pm]
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Vajadzētu atgriezties pie skaistām svētku svinēšanām.
P.S. - ņemts no etsy
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wedding shoes [Mar. 3rd, 2014|10:03 pm]

P.S. šodien nejauši ieslēdzu TV uz raidījumu "manas čigānu kāzas" - tur līgavainis baznīcā nolikās uz ceļiem un uz viņa kurpju pazolēm ar krītu bija uzrakstīts "Help me" :D
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[Feb. 27th, 2014|11:52 pm]
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pārtaisīti T-krekli )
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[Feb. 11th, 2014|06:31 pm]
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Sapratīs tie, kas šuj un tie kas kaut ko saprot no kvalitātes (vai tās trūkuma)

bērnu kleitiņa )
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[Feb. 4th, 2014|12:47 pm]
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vēl viena puķainā )
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floral [Feb. 4th, 2014|11:18 am]
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ziemas desktop`s [Jan. 24th, 2014|03:26 pm]
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par svariem [Jan. 14th, 2014|04:47 pm]
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[Dec. 16th, 2013|10:28 pm]
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Jāatzīst, ka jau kādu laiku domāju, ka "mazā melnā vakarkleitiņa" jau sen ir kļuvusi par "mazo novecojušo garlaicību", bet šī kleita, iespējams, liks man mainīt viedokli:

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