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Friday, August 15th, 2003
1:44a - Abzolūti neoriģinālas domas
You know what capitalism is? Gettin' fucked!

First you getta da money, when you getta da money, you getta da power, when you getta the power, you getta the woman

fucking, sucking, snorting, then what? you old, you get a big belly

Chew know what a horse is man? Issa pig that don't fly straight.

I'm a political prisoner...from Cuba

Kids? Sure why long as there's a nurse.

Nothing exceeds like excess.

current mood: comunistic

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11:54a - beztopiks
You come to my house and kick my dog !
I kill you !

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6:26p - Subject: none (default)
Event: Thank`s God this horrible day will be ower soon

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9:20p - Vikingi ir maukas.
Izskatās ka šī diena mani negrib laist vaļā tik vienkārši.
Pazvanīja viens čuvaks un pateica ka iekš SSE notiek pirmais šīgada tuss. Bļa. Es jau cerēju ka varēšu pagulēt kādas 15h. Ibio. Nē bļa. tagad jālec autņā un jāpiļī uz faking Rīgu...

current mood: dead
current music: Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon My Face

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