neinteresantā lietas būtība. - Komentāri
3.9.08 21:05

"If you must cry, cry like a child. "You were once a child, and one of the first things you leamed in life was to cry, because crying is a part of life. Never forget that you are free, and that to show your emotions is not shameful. "Scream, sob loudly, make as much noise as you like. Because that is how children cry, and they know the fastest way to put their hearts at ease. "Have you ever noticed how children stop crying? 'Mey stop because something distracts them. Something calls them to the next adventure. "Children stop crying very quickly. "And that's how it will be for you. But only if you can cry as children do."

no maktuba.(:
ja vien mēs varētu - raudāt kā bērni, uztver kā bērni, aizmirst tikpat ātri kā viņi. bet mēs, šķiet, nevaram. tā tā pasaulīte veidota!(:

vienkārši šis tekstiņs aizķērās. (:

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