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Thursday, February 12th, 2004
10:59 pm - ...
But there's someone else who is the
True you. you don't know him.
Because you don't want to see that you
Are trying to run away
Because of fear.
Because he might not have human shape.
Because the present me might disappear.
One fears that the self disappears.
Doesn't make sense.
The self's world will dissapear.
Don't you fear?
Self will dissapear.
Don't you fear?
No, I'm glad.
I am the thing that whishes to die.
All I need is a dispare.
I want to be a nothingness.

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Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
10:47 pm
klausos vaagneru, dzeru viinu, viss jau izskatiitos TIK labi, ja vien es negrauztu chipshus...

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7:47 pm
maacos kjiinas un Japaanas geograafijai...

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Sunday, January 4th, 2004
11:50 pm
whish i could do a down left on my life

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3:25 pm - briit
tikko pamodos, lasu "Ender's game" un taa vien shkjiet, ka neko citu shodien nevareeshu izdariit.

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Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
7:28 pm
kaads negrib man pateikt vai dziivei maz ir jeega...?

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7:28 pm
now i know how it feels to be someone whith a friends knife in his ribs

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4:25 pm - njaa...
kaa es niistu kodeetus failus, kas, paarveidojot uz ISO, pish smadzenes!

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Friday, January 2nd, 2004
10:30 pm - gyahh!
feelin' bad, wanna kill...
blood - the lack of it is driving me crazy!

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Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
10:49 pm - ehh
sorry for english, but
all goodlooking women can be devided into two groups - cool babes and fridged bitches

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10:49 pm - bwah!
juutos pretiigi!
tas nesanaaca, tas apvainojaas, tas muldeeja, tas vienkaarshi pimpis...
ahh, pox.
neviens vienalga nelasa, un pat ja lasa nesaprot.

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Friday, September 26th, 2003
8:48 pm - .

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Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003
8:33 pm - ^____^
i've just started my studies of japanese and i allready have invited my japanese teacher (A female from japan) to dinner...
anyway, sorry for being absent!

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Friday, August 1st, 2003
1:33 pm - ehhh...
nus... kas shovakar gatavojaas dzert?

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Thursday, July 31st, 2003
6:33 pm
esmu iekshaa LU japaanjos!!!
(konkursaa ieguvu pirmo vietu ar 938.7 punktiem)

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Tuesday, July 8th, 2003
9:51 pm
if monkeys were bowling balls i'd be floating on top of sphagetti in a cereal bowl full of koolaid

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9:51 pm - ___
Greatest gun ever! Feel special. Beautiful and reliable but can still scare the living bejesus outta anyone.
Sig Sauer P226. Greatest gun ever! Feel special.
Beautiful and reliable but can still scare the
living bejesus outta anyone.

What handgun are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, June 15th, 2003
11:16 pm - P.S.
Pasaules ģeniālākais izgudrojums galu galā ir alus. Ritenis? Jā, protams, arī ritenis ir nozīmīga lieta, taču piekrītiet - zivs ar riteni tomēr nav īsti tas.

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11:16 pm - =]]]
Satiekas divi draugi. Viens no viņiem vakar mēģinājis iestāties universitātē.
Otrs prasa: "Nu, vecīt, tiki iekšā? "
Tas atbild: "Grūti gāja, izvilku. Man uzdeva ārprātīgi sarežģītu jautājumu: cik ir 0.5 plus 0.5? Skaidri zinu, ka litrs, bet matemātiski pierādīt nemāku."

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11:13 am - ...
The Wheel weaves as The Wheel wills... it makes The Pattern Of Ages... every thread a life... all threads interwining, gathering, distancing, but non the less, it all remains as a pattern that The Wheel has wowen....

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