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ardities! Dec. 17th, 2009|01:02 am

es sodien domaju ka tas ir... tikties ar dzeku pec.. Vinaam. un pec.. tik ilga laika. i wonder how it is to fall in love. and is it real at all?
i wonder if i never see my unborn child grow up?
i wonder is it gonna be he or she?

"..i have cut thorugh the heart of trees growing old and straight
i have taken fish from water
and birds from the sky.

in my life i have needed death so that my life can be
when i die i must give life
to what has nourished me..
the earth receives my body and gives it to the plants
and to the caterpillars
to the birds
and coyotes..
each in its own time so that the circle of life is never broken."

now i can dream only of it. scarification. though my body resists. scars and knife.. they take my brain away....

sasitas dures un skapji. kartejais grieziens.. man vajadzes aizpildit aadu ar skaistu zimejumu. tatad akal griezisim.. laikam salauzu roku
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