- zinātne par fejām un gaismiņām
- 3/29/18 03:48 am
- Beidzot ar šo postu es spēšu apmierināt hardcore skeptiķus (mana kvēlākā vēlme). Instrumented Monitoring of Aerial Anomalies - A Scientific Approach to the Investigation On Anomalous Atmospheric Light Phenomena. Man ir nulle sajēgas par formulām, taču netraucē uztvert info iekš izklāsta.
"So, is a plasma sphere able to occasionally work as a particle accelerator? Possibly yes, if some openings do exist on the plasma confined aggregate. In the case of a sphere this might occur in the polar regions (orthogonal to the direction of the plasma rotation), where magnetic lines are opened. This configuration of a magnetosphere is expected to be the same at all scales, i.e., on Earth, in pulsars, and even larger structures. Why not also in plasma spheres that are occasionally seen inside our atmosphere?"
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