Silent but instantaneous application of "electronic caffeine" signal, forces awake and keeps awake
Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake
Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt of electricity
Loud noise from neighbors
Precision-to-the-second "allowed sleep" and "forced awakening"; far too precise and repeated to be natural
Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal
Made to appear as emanating from thin air
Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear
Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal;
Manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere you would not otherwise want to
Silent (ultrasonic) hypnosis presumed
Programming hypnotic "triggers" - i.e., specific phrases or other cues which cause specific involuntary actions
Spot blanking of memory, long and short term
"Engineered" skits where your thoughts are spoken to you by strangers on street
Real time reading sub vocalized words, as while the victim reads a book and BROADCASTING those words to nearby people who form an amazed audience around the victim
Thru-wall radar and rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment, on ceiling of apartment below
Thru-wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping of your urination - water below turned on and off in sync with your urine stream
External Stress-Generating "Skits":
Participation of strangers, neighbors, and in some cases close friends and family members in harassment:
Rudeness for no cause
Tradesmen always have "problems", block your car, etc.
Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal
Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation
Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions
Induced changes to hearing. Both apparent direction and volume, and sometimes even content
Vivid controlled dreams.
Microwave hearing
Sleep prevention
Artificial tinnitus (ringing in ears)
Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing injury or spills
Special attention to genital area
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