body and soul.

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-Do you love me?
-Yes, a lot. I feel a certain kind of friendship that could be...
-Do you love me or not?
-Since the first day. From the first second.
-Say it.'s hard to say.
-Do you know why? Because no one ever told you so. It's difficult to love yourself when you can't see your reflection.

-I love you, Andre.
There, your reason to love. It's your turn now.
-I love you, Angela. Whatever your first name is.
-You're right. Say it again without my name.
-I love you.
-Good. Now look at yourself carefully. And say it.
-...I can't.
-Of course you can. Look at your body, missing being loved. Being trusted. Don't you think he deserves to be looked after a bit? Don't reject this injured body that's borne you for so long without complaining. Tell him how important he is. That he has his place. Give him what he deserves.
-...I love you, Andre. I love you.

/film "Angel-A"/
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