//deju nedēļa.
Jan. 13., 2010 | 11:55 am
Sounds:: Blink182 - All the small things
Laika gulēt nemaz nav.
11.01. Dejas
12.01. Dejas
13.01. Dejas
14.01. Hokejs!!!
15.01. Dejas
16.01. brīvdiena
17.01. Koncerts. A. dz/d.
18.01. Dejas
19.01. iespējams Dejas
20.01. Dejas
21.01. brīvdiena?
22.01. Dejas
23.01. Helsinki. JusteDebout. L. dz./d.
24.01. Helsinki.
25.01. Dejas
26.01. brīvdiena
27.01. Dejas
28.01. Dziesmu un deju svētku atlase
29.01. Ghetto basket.
30.01. brīvdiena
31.01. Kaprīzes kauss/Dejas.
*Slīpraksta teksti vēl var mainīties.
-- -- --
Pirmoreiz šodien biju skolas bēniņos. (giggle) Tur ir auksti un tur viss labi saglabājas. xD
Un vēl. Jāpaskatās American Pie.
Āpāc, par ko gan es domāju.?
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[ne]runājot par šo un to.
Jan. 13., 2010 | 01:44 pm
Sounds:: Stay together for kids
Ko es viņam vakar pateicu? Šķiet - 'Čau.' 'Kāda cepure? Ā, cepure. Nu jā, cepure pie Elīzas.' un 'Atā.' Spridzināt mani. :@ :@ :@
Es taču varēju pieiet viņam kko pajutāt nu vsm kko. Samīļot...
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#The Love Stories
Jan. 13., 2010 | 02:05 pm
Sounds:: love song
There never really was anything that special about me, except the way i felt when i was with you.
Someday you may realize that the person you didnt let in your life, was the one who would have made you truly happy.
It's SAD when someone you KNOW becomes someone you KNEW.
I have given You the ability to break my heart.. not because I want You to, but because I believe You won't.
You may think I hate, despise you or even more. But I am here to say, I love you... that's for sure.
Up to now i've just figured one weakness of mine, it's YOU.
Never be naive... because what you think is happening, is probably happening.
If you wanna leave, you can. I'll remember you though, just like I remember everyone that leaves.
Shut up. Just shut up, you had me at hello.
I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too. Not only my heart.
It's not like I hate you, but you are a jerk.
Smile - It happens like a flash but remembering for a long time.
A hug can lift pain and worries from the heart. Bringing hope and love back into the heart.