Sīkzvērs ([info]thegoat) wrote on June 19th, 2007 at 09:31 am
Melanie C - Carolyna lyrics

Just another girl with a dream in her heart
Wanna make a new start with a fire inside of her
She had to go
She couldnt stay around, everybody let her down
Stole the light and the life and the child inside of her
Shes so alone

Running for the train
Take her far away from everthing she knows
And the way they make her feel
She leaves today

Never look back never lose track already strong
Shes seen so much at seventeen
The passt will fade with the future that she craves

Carolyna you travel so far
Trying to escape the pain start again where you are
Carolyna you keep following your star
Nobody said your beautiful, beautiful the way you are

Finally your free where you long to be
But it wont take long till hits reality
The streets are cold
Big, bad city gonna eat you up
Hard to survive, hard to keep your sanity
Still feeling low but shes never going home


She tries to rest
All she needs is a warm caress
All she wants is happiness


So beautiful the way you are
So beautiful the way you are

Un tagad visu Karolīnu vietā jāliek mans vārds.(Un atcerieties par ironiju!!!!)
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