((Anonymous)) wrote on March 25th, 2010 at 11:04 pm
Just because it isn't a movie and you don't have a violin, doesn't mean you can't do music. It doesn't mean it will go wrong or not perfect. It could also be that you are not meant to play the violin or do music. Could it be that you haven't found your role in the movie? Keep searching! Let me quote this wonderfull person I met the other day: To stop it's to die!

So don't you dare stoping!

You have a path to walk. A goal to reach. Something to achieve. And again, I have to quote this person that really touched me: They didn't make roads to just stand on them.

Keep walking! And on your way, have a guudtime!

Tu biji labs pãrsteigums.
Es loti ceru teui atkal satikt, mana zilã puke.
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