upe koki vējš debesis < < > >
work things out - June 9th, 2005
vecais labais trijotnes šous. man liekas, ka skaistākais cilvēka veikums ir mūzika, no visiem pārējiem visuvarenajiem izgudrojumiem. cilvēka radošās spējas un jūtu vislabākais atspoguļojums, bez nekādiem sarežģījumiem. bet kas tas par cilvēku, ja tas nesarežģī...
'The future belongs to those who prepare for it today' - šoreiz neies cauri un uz depo es neiešu, lai arī gribās. mēģināšu izprast smirdīgo ekonomiku rītdienas examinācijai. bļā, kā negribās!
   davai es metīšu prom paškritiku. bišķiņ par daudz tās manī.
          ha, depresīvā. 

♪ : Blink 182 - The Mark, Tom and Travis Show

[ 2 ] *** X
~i break in two over you~
oh why can't i be what you need
a new improved version of me
but i'm nothing so good, no i'm nothing
just bones, a lonely ghost burning down songs
of violence, of love, and of sorrow
i beg for just one more tomorrow
where you'll hold me down, fold me in
deep, deep, deep in the heart of your sin

i break in two over you
i break in two and each piece of me dies
only you can give the breath of life
but you don't see me, you don't.

here i'm pinned between darkness and light
bleached and blinded by these nights
where i'm tossing and tortured til dawn
by you, visions of you then you're gone
the shock bleeds the red from my face
when i hear someone's taking by place
how could love be so thoughtless, so cruel
when all, all that i did was for you

i break in two over you
i break in two and each piece of me dies
only you can give the breath of life
but you don't see me, you don't

i break in two over you
i break in two and each piece of me dies
only you can give the breath of life
but you don't see me, you don't

i break in two over you, over you
i would break into for you
now you see me, now you don't
now you need me, now you don't..
kulšanās pa sūdiem.
saule riet tur kur mēness aust, tāds pavisam šaurs.
alkoholiķis tētis, histēriķe mamma, bezkaunīgais brālis un egoiste es.
nākotne nau aiz kalniem. face it! viss uz maniem pleciem.
vhhh, par daudz nopietnības, par maz mīlestības, +aklais optimisms sajaukumā ar skepticismu pret cilvēkiem.

♥: stiprs, bļ.
♪ : calibretto 13 - spioled brat