http://weburbanist.com/2007/12/24/s mall-strange-and-surreal-3-of-the-most-b izarre-micronations-in-the-world/
Kāda pasaule ^^ es gribētu to pēdējo - Redonda. Attāla sala ar savvaļas jēru bariem un apslēptām alām ^^
"We approached the island from the south-western corner and because of the sheer cliffs facing us, the wind dropped completely and we floundered. We could tell the sea depth here was huge because the colour of the water was almost black. It was reminiscent of a scene from ‘Jason and the Argonauts’. We learned later that the sea there was shark-infested due to the regular supply of fresh lamb falling from the heavens. Thankfully we encountered no evidence of this fact."
grr. tā lūk ^^
http://klab.lv/users/pecuminjsh/49542.h tml - precīzi
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un vēl - zinātnieki atklājuši, ka Senegālas šimpanzes iemanījušās medīt citus dzīvniekus ar pašdarinātiem šķēpiem. Ratatatatatatata
EDIT: šajā ierakstā minēti četri dažādi kustoņi
Kāda pasaule ^^ es gribētu to pēdējo - Redonda. Attāla sala ar savvaļas jēru bariem un apslēptām alām ^^
"We approached the island from the south-western corner and because of the sheer cliffs facing us, the wind dropped completely and we floundered. We could tell the sea depth here was huge because the colour of the water was almost black. It was reminiscent of a scene from ‘Jason and the Argonauts’. We learned later that the sea there was shark-infested due to the regular supply of fresh lamb falling from the heavens. Thankfully we encountered no evidence of this fact."
grr. tā lūk ^^
būs jau piektdiena klāt.
un vēl - zinātnieki atklājuši, ka Senegālas šimpanzes iemanījušās medīt citus dzīvniekus ar pašdarinātiem šķēpiem. Ratatatatatatata
EDIT: šajā ierakstā minēti četri dažādi kustoņi