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My mind is heavy under the weight of my thoughts. Nov. 14th, 2013|10:06 am

You cannot be all and one at the same time.
Go away, Ego, I want to be whole with the universe.
I want to be the stars, the suns and the voids that it holds.
I want to be a tiny speckle of particle
and I want to be.. everything.

Dualities again.
Such is the human nature.


Why do we feel embarrassed? What reasons do we have to feel embarrassed? Imaginary vulnerability. A fake window we paint on our walls, that we, ourselves, actually believe to be real and others can actually get through. Time for a spring cleaning, no? Time to wash our walls and floors, and ceilings. Time to cleanse.
But where does all the dirt go? Into the cracks of the floor boards? Where it can mould and eat at the core unseen and undisturbed?
How can one get free?
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