Arlekīns - July 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 7th, 2008

psilocybian shrooms [Jul. 7th, 2008|05:57 pm]
[mood |psihisks]
[music |Let's Dance by Ziggie Stardust]

You must not speak for you're not me.
Neon caledioscope.
Black and White.

Grow high!
High! High! High!
Higher than the bloody Everest.
Grow, Alice, grow!

Cosmic conscience.
Silver surface.
No weight, no height.
Swim... swim away and forget.
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Cosmic [Jul. 7th, 2008|05:57 pm]
[mood |psihisks]
[music |The End of the World Party by Madesky, Martin & Wood]

staring in the blank screen.
words running through mind.
why won't you hate me?

preperations for the flight 1 2 3 1 2 3
preperations for the flight...
pre-preperations for the flight 1 2 3 1.. 1 2 3

Buzzing sound, aching gums.
the euproria of agony.
holes... holes... holes...
receive me... holes...
receive me.. receive me

stars poke my brain.
poke poke poke...
poke poke poke...
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