taapati - 13. Janvāris 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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13. Janvāris 2005

[13. Jan 2005|13:08]
my family is really strange.. and i perfectly fit in it :P
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[13. Jan 2005|13:13]
es tik vienu lietu nesaprotu, kaa es varu (vareeshu) sheit buut patiesa/atklaata, zinot, ka to lasa mana gjimene?
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[13. Jan 2005|13:54]
heh, riitvakar buus labi - pirmaas sesijas beigas, varees izklaideeties un atpuusties veel 2 nedeeljas :)))
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[13. Jan 2005|14:41]
tiko izpildiiju testu, kaadas shkjirnes zirgs es esmu. rezultaati:

Ah, the Quarter Horse. The most common breed of horse owned in America, noted for its calm disposition and sensible attitude. A famous quarter horse played Black Beauty in the movie based upon Anne Sewell's book. You don't let life's problems bother you, and you deal with them in the most practical manner. You are quite intelligent, and it wouldn't hurt to use your talents to have a little more fun, to walk a little more on the wild side, like your ancestors.
Your owner will most likely be either a cowboy or a young person learning to ride. You also stand a high chance of becoming a school horse.
Your colour will most likely be: Anything, but most likely chestnut.
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