Thoughts on notes |
Sep. 21st, 2014|10:16 am |
If ‘suicide note’ becomes a seperate genre, most likely under short stories in literature, there have to be a complete opposite note.Note of reborn one or in more poetic language ‘Note of The Phoenix’-note or letter written after overcoming something very hard in ones life,getting trough a dark period, for example, in life. Unfortunatly, I forsee these kind of notes and letters to make up small amount of this genre.Therefore suicide note should need more poetic name,maybe ‘rope note’… In either case, this genre should be, most emotional and personal in whole of literature. It possibly could, include love letters, will/testament,Poison pen letters etc.. Also, and this is very important it is not mandatory and in most cases not advised, for these scriptures to be,real-actual suicide,love,poison pen,etc. letters and notes, they should serve as art form and way of very effectively vent heavy feelings and emotions. Possible name of this possible genre,should be Psychegraphia (not to be confused with psychography or god forbid Psychographics). |