labs aktieris, cepuri nost

Apr. 18., 2003 | 01:08 am

# #Look, if you had 1 shot, 1 opportunity 2 seize everything u ever wanted-One moment Would u capture it or just let it slip?# #

Tikko nostiijos '8 Mile' nu baig labaa filma. attiexme pret eminemu ta izmainijaas. domaaju vinjsh taads brutaals kachaataajs, abet nee aktierspeele patiesi laba, aizkustinosha un ticama.
mani paarliecinaaja.

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(bez virsraksta)

Apr. 18., 2003 | 01:15 am


illumine postu

un man sagribeejaas kaa vasaraa, kad ap 3-4 riitaa jau gaishss iziet aaraa un pabraukaat ar riteni. gaiss taads svaigs, klusums gandriiz nospiedoshss, acis veel miglainas un tu kautkaa izjuuti ka shis briidis ir tev.

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If I can not dance, I shall die! (A.Pavlova)

Apr. 18., 2003 | 01:42 am

"Dance isn't something that can be explained in words. It has to be danced." -Paige Arden

"There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them."-Vicki Baum

"Just remember when you're not practicing that someone somewhere is and when you meet them, they will win."-Jaques D'Amboise

"Dance is a little insanity that does us all a lot of good." -Edward Demby

"You don't have to know about ballet to enjoy it, all you have to do is look at it."~Edwin Denby

"When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow."~Didi

"Dancing is the poetry of the foot."-John Dryden

"If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it."-Isadora Duncan

"He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor."-Hindu proverb

"Talk about dance? Dance is not something to talk about. Dance is to dance."~Peter Saint James

"Ballet technique never becomes easy, it becomes possible"-Agnes de Mille

"To dance is to be out of yourself, larger, more powerful, more beautiful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking."-Agnes de Mille

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Apr. 18., 2003 | 02:01 pm

vai juus zinaat cik kaitiigi ir lasiit visus shos journaalus?
taa aizraujas ka manaa gadiijumaa piededzina jau 4. pankuuku...

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muzikaalaa gaume??

Apr. 18., 2003 | 09:42 pm
mood: saldseeriiga
music: placebo - centrefolds

taa mainaas.

ps. tikko nodownloadoju visus placebo darbus.

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here it goes again.....nez kaa tas beigsies.

Apr. 18., 2003 | 11:21 pm
mood: esmu resna govs.
music: Placebo - Plasticine

es ieniistu baltmaizi

man aarkaartiigi garsho daarzenji

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