extinction ([info]extincion) wrote 13. Oktobris 2010, 15:23
"ķirbīša dziesma" as in ĶIRBĪŠA dziesma? :O
wait, wait, wait- do i have my own song? Song for me or my song? Or song that i made? Wait- nah... I have not made any songs... So, it must be song about me... Wait- is there a song about pumpkins? :O I wana hear it (sun)
ok, but for real- tev ir tāda lietā kā ķirbīša dziesma? Like, wtf? Es gribu viņu dzirdēt (sun)

PS- es gjau viņu zinu bet es tagad nevaru iedomāties... viens minējums gan ir bet thats not right i gues...
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