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User: [info]suc
Name: suc
Back December 2011
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* Innateness. To what extent is knowledge innate or acquired by experience? Is human behavior shaped primarily by nature or nurture?
* Language of thought. Does the human brain operate with a language-like code or with a more general connectionist architecture? What is the relation between symbolic cognitive models using rules and concepts and sub-symbolic models using neural networks?
* Mental imagery. Do human minds think with visual and other kinds of imagery, or only with language-like representations?
* Folk psychology. Does a person's everyday understanding of other people consist of having a theory of mind, or of merely being able to simulate them?
* Meaning. How do mental representations acquire meaning or mental content? To what extent does the meaning of a representation depend on its relation to other representations, its relation to the world, and its relation to a community of thinkers?
* Mind-brain identity. Are mental states brain states? Or can they be multiply realized by other material states? What is the relation between psychology and neuroscience? Is materialism true?
* Free will. Is human action free or merely caused by brain events?
* Moral psychology. How do minds/brains make ethical judgments?
* The meaning of life. How can minds construed naturalistically as brains find value and meaning?
* Emotions. What are emotions, and what role do they play in thinking?
* Mental illness. What are mental illnesses, and how are psychological and neural processes relevant to their explanation and treatment?
* Appearance and reality. How do minds/brains form and evaluate representations of the external world?
* Social science. How do explanations of the operations of minds interact with explanations of the operations of groups and societies?


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