April 18th, 2016

03:27 pm - The End of the American Empire

There is a direct line of causation between European and American interventions in the Middle East and the bombings in Boston, Paris, and Brussels as well as the flood of refugees now inundating Europe.

stating the obvious - bet man patīk atkārtoties... tomēr svarīgāk būtu kratīties vaļā no visa šī ārprāta nevis gulties apakšā.

Perhaps it’s time to admit that we didn’t just ignore international law but seriously miscalculated political realities in our effort to overthrow the Syrian government

būtu man nauda, es nopirktu lapu kādā no vietējām avīzēm no nopublicētu šo amerikāņu diplomāta rakstu. bet naudas nav un, iespējams, to pat par naudu nevarētu izdarīt.
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