November 16th, 2010

10:43 am - 21st Century Phone Etiquette

Par godu tikko dabūtajam jaunajam telefonam ;)

In order for society to be more polite and civilised, the fundamental thing we all need to understand is this: that incoming phone call or text doesn't matter. It is not important. It is, specifically, not as important as maintaining polite discourse with the live humans around you. It can wait a minute or an hour, until a more convenient time. And, crucially - it should wait. One teaches small children that it is rude to interrupt people when they're talking. We should teach the same lesson to ourselves, and apply it to our phones. 

... When you are driving. It was once a very exclusive thing to have a phone in one's car. However, the kind of car that had a phone usually also had a chauffeur. There has been a short window of time in which it was acceptable to drive while holding a phone. That time has passed. If the phone rings while you're driving, ignore it as you would a whining child. If you cannot ignore it, pull over and stop, as you would for a whining child. And if you phone someone and they tell you they're driving - hang up.

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