Žūpošanas desmitgade
Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Date:2007-04-26 01:20
Subject:I see a mansion in the sky
Music:Nomeansno - Faith

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
How much good could a good man do if a good man could do good
Carved by the fire and nailed by the rain, crafted by hope and love and pain
Built of stone or built of wood, I'd build it solid if I could
But if that leap balloon won't fly I'll piss in the wind and hope to die
And if I'm dead when I awake, you'll know it was all a big mistake
I lowered the sky and raised the ground, tore from my an awesme sound
Lit the eternal torch and cried, i see a mansion in the sky.

Nē joprojām nozīmē nē - joprojām īstā skaņa ir labāka par nullēm un vieniniekiem. Un tas augšā ir pašas labākās dziesmasa pats labākais (arī - pats pēdējais) pantiņš.

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