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Monday, January 3rd, 2005

    Time Event
    Pietiks dirst, ka nauda nevar cilvēku padarīt laimīgu un ar dzīvi apmierinātu.
    Laime esot acumirklīga sajūta, bet 21. gadsimtā arī acumirklis ir nopērkams.

    Current Music: Fomins & Kleins - Solijums (man ir labi)
    Who Am I / Gūglismi
    starfucker is another song of theirs
    starfucker is pure and absurd fantasy
    starfucker is sad
    starfucker is not one of them
    starfucker is a groupie that will pretend to offer you love and support just so get your money
    starfucker is a person
    starfucker is a great single
    starfucker is the least believable vignette of the bunch for two reasons
    starfucker is back


    Current Music: goldfrapp - black cherry

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