Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

lika aizdomāties

... tālāk ... )
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Sunday, May 20th, 2007

žanra klasika, izrādās (check you out)

Dziesma par tulznām saulē

When I'm walkin' I strut my stuff, man I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite I just might stop to check you out

Let me go on like I blister in the sun,
Let me go on big hands I know you're the one

Body and beats I stain my sheets I don't even know why
my girlfriend she's at the end she is starting to cry

Tīklā ir pieejamas versijas ar nelielām nobīdēm.
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Friday, April 27th, 2007

bak tu mi rūts

Eh, skaisti.

Kā arī

This is life
What a fucked up thing we do.
What a nightmare come true
Or a playground if we choose
And I choose

ixnay (present tense only)
1. (transitive) (Used in an imperative) Do not do or talk about (something).
1. (internet): Indicates the poster’s request for a message to not be stored in web archives.
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Wednesday, April 25th, 2007


yo llevo en el cuerpo un motor
que nunca deja de rodar
yo llevo en el alma un camino
destinado a nunca llegar

man krūtīs motors
tas nekad nestājas
man dvēselē ceļš
bet citur nes kājas
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Monday, April 16th, 2007

To sapņiem atmoda ir nāve,
Kas piezogas ik dienu.

Naktī sapņu, protams, nebija.
Toties pa dienu plūstu, no nez kurienes ir uzradies neizgulējums.
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