so_damn_insane's Journal http://www.foxtrot.com/2010/03/0321 /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100318 ufologi Ja nevar atrast īstas UFO pēdas, tad vajag uzlikt dokumentam nepareizo kodējumu un pēc tam mēģināt atšifrēt ziņojumu no Nibiru. Arī TV parādīs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RirqnBUQ /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100318 man nepatīk lidot Britu melnais humors no BBC - "Record fall in UK air passengers". /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100311 kids today Neliels citāts no žanra "mūsdienu jaunatne". Pieņemu, ka daudzi piekritīs. "Many children today are greatly to be pitied because too much is done for them and dictated to them and they are deprived of the learning processes. We seem to have dropped into an age of entertaining, a breathless going from one sensation to another, whether it be mechanical toys for the five-year-old or moving-picture plays for the sixteen-year-old. It not only destroys their power to think, but also makes happiness, contentment, and resourcefulness impossible. At seventeen, life is spoken of as "so dull" if there is not "something doing" every waking hour." bet visinteresantākais ir citāta avots: ( ... tālāk ... ) /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100309 Einšteina vienādojumi biologiem saprotamā formā ( ... tālāk ... ) /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100309 Onion News Network Ok, es beidzot esmu atradis televīzijas kanālu, kuru ir vērts skatīties. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/b "And now in an attempt to fill 24 hours of programming here is some bullshit that is happening somewhere..." /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100228 Nebiju vēl redzējis. Papagailis ar labu ritma izjūtu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bt9xBuG /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100224 Grieķijā tagad silts. Drīzāk pat karsts. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picture /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100224 mūžīgie domino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFNG-sxL /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100222 awesome Kāpēc mēs nekad nesasniegsim mākslīgo intelektu (NOT!) http://dresdencodak.com/2010/02/16/arti /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100221 Stick bomb Tas ir tā kā domino, tikai otrādāk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiWxU3jX /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100214 avatar Es sarakstiiju lietas, kas man ieksh Avatar nelikaas origjinaalas, bet tad ar google paliidziibu atradu veel kaudzi ar darbiem, no kuriem ir aizguuts/nokopeets sizhets. Vieniigais, ko es no sevis varu pievienot - es juutos pievilts, jo Riplijai neljaava iekaapt eksoskeletaa. Jaa, un galiigi nesaprotu, kam bija vajadziigs 3D. /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100212 Uber raksts par valentīndienu. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/20 /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100212 Dolfs Lundgrēns uzvalkā izpilda "Little less conversation (little more action)". /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100208 Visiem tiem, kas klausās Smashing Pumpkins What if that guy from Smashing Pumpkins lost his car keys? /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100208 skarbi Par situāciju amerikā http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QItQQFB5 /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100206 Tavs horoskops 2010. gadam Zvaigznes uzskata, ka nebūtu korekti dot tev jaunu pareģojumu, kamēr nav piepildījies iepriekšējais par laimi, mīlestību un bagātību. /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100206 nākotne Kādi izaugs cilvēki, kuri jau no bērnības redzēs, ka atbildes uz jautājumiem tipa "Kāpēc debesis ir zilas?" ir jāmeklē iekš google? Es nezinu. Bet, bļā, kā es to gribu uzzināt! Maniem bērniem pēc 15 gadiem pirmais telefons būs labāks nekā jebkurš no līdz šim brīdim manā rīcībā bijušajiem telefoniem. Augsta līmeņa smārtfoniem standartfīča būs augmented reality. Geeky stuff būs HUD. Kad mani mazbērni skatīsies Olimpiskās spēles, tajās piedalīsies tikai modificēti cilvēki. Vai arī būs atsevišķas spēles, tipa paralimpiskās. Iespējams, tieši paralimpiskās spēles kļūs par interesantākajām, jo tur jau tagad ir atļautas modifikācijas. Individuālie sporta veidi kļūs tehniski - līdzīgi kā F1. Un vislabākais tajā visā - es to dabūšu redzēt! P.S. Esmu pārāk saskatījies TED arhīvus. Un 9. februārī sākas šī gada TED!!! OMFG! /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100205 best comment ever I think there should be two comment categories. "Elitist Comments" and "Just regular folks Comments". // no TED lapas /*****************************************************************************************************/ 20100203 Hey man Do you like lasers? Fuck yeah you do. - Holy shit all of those photons are moving in the same direction. It's like a motherfucking army of photons marching toward your retina goddamn! - This shit is used to read data off of reflective discs. WHAT THE FUCK how can lasers read shit off of thin shiny pieces of plastic I mean holy fucking crap it's gotta have a tiny wizard in there or some shit. - Are you gonna want to use a faggy flashlight or a stupid lighter? Fuck no, you want a laser shit yes! - I hear they figured out how far away the moon is using lasers or some shit. That doesn't make any fucking sense! - They come in any fucking colour you can think of. Even some colours that aren't even colours like infrared. WTF is infrared? Fuck you, I don't know. - Dear motherfucking shit they move at the speed of light and nothing is faster than the speed of light because Einstein said so goddamn // http://stackoverflow.com/users/52443/we /*****************************************************************************************************/ |