
so_damn_insane's Journal


Čika no piedziedājuma.

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20111222 pozitīvisma neeksistence

Izdomāju, kā izskaidrot, ka, lai arī pasaule visu laiku uzlabojas, cilvēki domā, ka tā kļūst sliktāka.

Uzlabojumi globālā līmenī nespēj kompensēt dzīves kvalitātes kritumu viena cilvēka mūža kontekstā.
Tb, bērnībā ir superīgi, jaunībā ir forši, būt pieaugušam sako. Būt 30gadīgam šodien ir daudz sliktāk nekā būt 20gadīgam pirms 10 gadiem, bet daudz labāk nekā būt 30 gadīgam pirms 10 gadiem. Viena pieredze ir reāla, bet otra - abstrakta. Un spriedumi tiek izdarīti pēc reālās.

Tā kā progresa ātrums aizvien pieaug, kaut kad būtu jānonāk līmenī, kad dzīves kvalitāte uzlabojas arī cilvēka mūža kontekstā. Vai arī ir kāds fundamentāls iemesls, kāpēc tas nevarētu notikt?

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20111221 lai tas bass krīt

Kim Jong Il dies from too much party rocking.

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Nav brīnums, ka tas nabadziņš "nomira no pārstrādāšanās".

Bija 2 -Ir viedoklis

20111213 wtf?

Dienas Biznesā superīgs "eksperta viedoklis".

Nākamgad palielināsies nodokļi un gāzes tarifs, tāpēc samazināsies mazumtirdzniecībās apjoms, tāpēc ... vajag apkarot ēnu ekonomiku!

Bija 1 -Ir viedoklis

20111202 hehe

"Tātad jebkurā gadījumā ķīlas vērtība ir nosakāma nevis pēc akciju nominālvērtības, bet gan pēc izsniegto aizdevumu summas, kuras nodrošināšanai kalpoja 47,2% "airBaltic" akciju."

Protams. Un dzīvokļa vērtība ir nosakāma pēc tā, kādu summu banka kaut kad izsniedza tā iegādei.

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20111201 atjautības uzdevums

Šādi atgriež 1 rindu

AND greatest (
case when sse.date_from is null then to_date('2011.10.01','') else null end
) <= vgl.gp_from

Šādi atgriež 0 rindas

AND greatest (
--case when sse.date_from is null then to_date('2011.10.01','') else null end
) <= vgl.gp_from

Edit: Arī šis atgriež 1 rindiņu

AND greatest (
case when sse.date_from is null then to_date('2011.10.01','') else sse.date_from end
) <= vgl.gp_from

Bija 5 -Ir viedoklis


"Strikes rock manufacturing centres in southern China"

Izrādās, Ķīnā ir akmeņu ražošanas centri.

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20111124 interesanti

"In high doses, alcohol impairs our reaction times, muscle control, co-ordination, short-term memory, perceptual field, cognitive abilities and ability to speak clearly. But it does not cause us selectively to break specific social rules.
the experiments show that when people think they are drinking alcohol, they behave according to their cultural beliefs about the behavioural effects of alcohol."

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20111112 mad world

"Much like a human athlete who must be a citizen of a country for a required period of time before representing that country in the Olympics, a similar rule applies to horses."

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20111104 Atpakaļ uz 60tajiem

"In a surprise development, Panos Beglitis, Defence Minister, a close confidante of Mr Papandreou, summoned the chiefs of the army, navy and air-force and announced that they were being replaced by other senior officers."

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20111004 šodienas wtf

,ABS(p_sum1 - p_sum2)
,ABS(p_sum1 - p_sum2)
,ABS(p_sum2 - p_sum1)
,ABS(p_sum2 - p_sum1)
WHERE (p_sum1 > p_sum2 AND code in ('A','B'))
OR (p_sum1 < p_sum2 AND code in ('C','D'))

Bija 1 -Ir viedoklis

20110923 bugs

"If big software comparies suddenly become liable for all the bugs in their existing software, the resulting liability lawsuits could bankrupt them. This proposal could destroy the software industry as we know it.
There would probably be negative consequences too."

No komentāriem

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20110914 Smalka zinātne tā statistika

"During WWII, statistician Abraham Wald was asked to help the British decide where to add armor to their bombers. After analyzing the records, he recommended adding more armor to the places where there was no damage"

... tālāk ... )

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Kāds nesen atgādināja Sapiru/Čomski, te kaut kas relevants.

"While the German psychologist Wolfgang Kohler was staying in Tenerife, he presented subjects with line drawings of two meaningless shapes - one spiky, the other curved - and asked them to label the pictures either "takete" or "baluba". Most people chose takete for the spiky shape and baluba for the curvy one."

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"Attempting to use an artifact from the Far Realm in D&D is in the same category as dumping arterial blood on an ancient seal you found in a book written on dried human skin and screaming "HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR" into a megaphone when you're the main character in a Lovecraft short story. And they probably have similar results."

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20110415 wild thing... I think...

Galvenais - atrast pielietojumu.

άγριο πράγμα, νομίζω ότι σ 'αγαπώ

(ágrio prágma , nomízo óti s 'agapó)

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20110411 dators ir hipogrāmatvedis/apakšgrāmatvedis

λογιστη - grāmatvedis
υπολογιστη - dators

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20110308 staasts par filosofiju

A man was on the subway in New York City and eating a sandwich, when a police officer walks into the car. The police officer tells him that there was no eating on the subway. The man pleads with the cop, saying he just got done working a double shift and hasn't had time to eat all day. The man promises to clean up after himself and points out that they are alone on the subway, so no one will ever know he even ate the sandwich. The cop shakes his head and says: "If I let you do it, I'd have to let everyone do it." To this the man replied, "Why do you have to be such a Kant?!"

Bija 2 -Ir viedoklis

20110226 interesanti

Kādu tik figņu var sadomāt, kad esi pats no sevis pamodies sestdienas rītā pulksten 8:30 pēc nogulētām 5 stundām un nevari aizmigt.

Bija 2 -Ir viedoklis


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