
so_damn_insane's Journal

20091207 interesanti

Filma, kurai pie žanra rakstīts "Comedy | Drama | Horror | Romance"

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note to self -

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Pasaulē mazākais sniegavīrs ir 0.01 mm plats.

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galerija meiteenam.

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20091127 zergi


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20091126 siholoģija

"It turns out there are two different ways people respond to challenges. Some people see them as opportunities to perform - to demonstrate their talent or intellect. Others see them as opportunities to master - to improve their skill or knowledge.

Say you take a person with a performance orientation ("Paul") and a person with a mastery orientation ("Matt"). Give them each an easy puzzle, and they will both do well. Paul will complete it quickly and smile proudly at how well he performed. Matt will complete it quickly and be satisfied that he has mastered the skill involved.

Now give them each a difficult puzzle. Paul will jump in gamely, but it will soon become clear he cannot overcome it as impressively as he did the last one. The opportunity to show off has disappeared, and Paul will lose interest and give up. Matt, on the other hand, when stymied, will push harder. His early failure means there's still something to be learned here, and he will persevere until he does so and solves the puzzle."

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20091124 battle!

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Tas saucās - nelien, kur nevajag.

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20091112 Gordona piegājiens notievēšanai

"When I've pigged out, I'll put on my weighted jacket and f**k off round Richmond Park. It's a 30 kilo jacket, a big diving jacket, and I'll shoot round Richmond Park, eight miles, drop the jacket off, and then sprint round without it. But when I'm a real fat bastard I'll keep it on for twice round. I'm on my knees. I swear to God. I'm on my knees and I can't f**king walk. I just want to keep it really real."

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20091109 projektējums

Ja es nebūtu lasījis projektējumu, es uztaisītu tieši kā to gaidīja cilvēks, kurš taisīja otru pusi, un kurš nebija lasījis projektējumu. Ieskaitot visus jaunos parametrus, kurus es būtu izmantojis pēc nosaukuma, pat nepaskatoties, vai tādi tur ir. Un visi nosaukumi sakristu burts burtā.

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Man sanāca 4 no 10 regulāri un vēl 1 neregulāri.

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20091105 interesants saraksts

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20091102 11gr2

Recursive subquery fīča spējot atrisināt sodoku puzzli ar 1 selectu:

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20091102 Mana versija par Lēvenšteina attālumu iekš PL/SQL

Uzrakstīts 2009. gada februārī.
Vairs neatceros, kāpēc.
... tālāk ... )

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Jāpieglabā. Iespējams, drīz noderēs.

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Ai, ai, ai...

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20091029 meitēnam

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20091026 fakti

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20091020 priekš sevis

flamin lips - yeah, yeah, yeah song

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Deine Lakaien remix by VNV Nation.

Tas ir tipa super-emo, ja?

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