so_damn_insane's Journal
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Life is good.
    Izslēdzu telefonu un skype.
    Spekulācijas par WotLK tagline:

    "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED! till you grind to 80 and get exalted with 8 factions. Then im pretty much fucked."
    Cik liela tad tā neskaidrība var būt?
    Kuru vēl kaitina daudzpunktu lietošana nevietā*?

    * - vietās, kur vajadzētu lietot punktu vai komatu.

    Materiāls pārkāpējiem un arī pārējiem

    " The Chicago Manual of Style states, “Ellipsis points suggest faltering or fragmented speech accompanied by confusion, insecurity, distress, or uncertainty.”"

    "...the author has this to say about writers who use ellipses to imply that they have more to say: “It is doubtful that they have anything in mind, and the device seems a rather cheap one.” So, use ellipses in these ways if you must, but use them sparingly, and know that although it's grammatically correct, it's considered by some to be annoying and cheap."
    Ne tikai A-T un G-C.

    "We now have an unnatural base pair that's efficiently replicated and doesn't need an unnatural polymerase," says Romesberg. "It's staring [sic] to behave like a real base pair."

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