so_damn_insane's Journal
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Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

    Time Event
    reāls dialogs
    - Kāpēc viņas nāks pie tevis *divas*?
    - Nu... Kāpēc gan ne?
    - Bet tev taču vakar bija sacensības...
    Kas var būt labāks par vārdu, kuram ir vairākas nozīmes?
    Vārdi, kuriem ir vairākas pretējas nozīmes.
    beidzot kaut kas reāls
    For projects that are well underway/deployed and have no unit tests in place, it is unrealistic to revisit them and retrofit the entire codebase with unit tests. A better strategy for these projects is to identify pain points in the application (areas with the highest level of bug activity/ areas with the most volatility) and get some unit tests around these “points of high visibility”. Going forward you can encourage developers to get unit tests around new methods/classes etc, and start to integrate some new habits into your developers.

    SHOW IT TO ME!!!

    Galvenais - dungot to pietiekami klusu.

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