so_damn_insane's Journal
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Sunday, November 4th, 2007

    Time Event
    Reizeem ir sajuuta, ka viss humors ir pazudis no pasaules, bet tad garaam naak kaut kas gaishss, un paraadaas iespaids, ka tevi saprot. Uzplaiksnii sajuuta, ka neesi tomeer veel galiigi atrofeejies. Sajuuta, ka tur iekshaa kaut kas tomeer ir.
    Nav jau taa, ka es buutu aizmirsis, kur jaameklee skaistais shaajaa pasaulee. Vienkaarshi situaacija bija taada, ka nebija, ar ko tajaa daliities, kaa arii saudziigums pret sev tuvu cilveeku. (eh...) Un tagad veel tas humora truukums. "Relax, guy!" Viss tik dziljsh, tik nopietns... Right... Fignja tas viss!

    Cita doma - varbuut es vienkaarshi izskatos taads, ar kuru nevar pajokot? Varbuut man gjiimis par nopietnu? Kaapeec tikai nedaudziem ienaak praataa, ka viss, ko es saku, ir viena milziiga, visaptverosha dirshana?

    Jebkuraa gadiijumaa - lai tev iespaidiem pilna arii naakamaa nedeelja.
    Lai tev iespaidiem pilna dziive.
    PVC + duct tape = there is nowhere you can't go.
    Blizzard - teh overlord
    You know your addicted to WoW when your girlfriends pants have a low drop rate!

    Q: A tauren is standing in a river, surrounded by 20 Gnome Mages that specialise in Frost Magic. How will he get out?
    A: Wet and cold.

    What did the undead guy say to the hooker?
    "keep the tip"

    A tauren and a gnome were taking a dump in the woods. The tauren glanced at the gnome, and, overcome with curiosity, had to ask:
    "Your beard goes down to your feet. Is doing this stuff in the woods ever a problem for you? Don't you ever get **** stuck to your beard?"
    "nope. Never happened to me before" answered the gnome.
    So the Tauren picked up the gnome and wiped his ass with him.

    Savaakts pa forumiem
    they just keep coming (...)
    It'll make our current online porn look like just the tip of the assberg.

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